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Friday 7 October 2011

Band Names and Album Tracks / Group Meeting 2

Today, we gathered and went over the necessary items for the pitch. Of the five, we only need to work on our band identity/marketing more. We also started to think up names for our band, as follows:

  • The Dropouts
  • Melted Sin
  • The Beautiful Damned
We also came up with an album name and record label.

"You'll Love Me When I'm Famous", published by Burning Car Records (personally I think Entertainment works better here).

Our song list is as follows:

  1. Dystopian Living (I prefer Dystopian Future)
  2. You'll Love Me When I'm Famous
  3. Goin' Down
  4. Ugly Faces
  5. On The Run
  6. White Wine and Red Roses
  7. When The Wind Blows From The East, Cut Down The Willow Tree ft. Slash
  8. If Looks Could Kill
  9. Despots And Killers ft. Billy Joe Armstrong
  10. The Devil Made Us His Children (subject to change)