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Friday 9 September 2011

Potential Music Videos to cover

Today, we agreed on the first members of our group, me, James Reader and Olivia Cole. This is still subject to change, but we have no problem accepting another member. We also went through some songs and we (or rather, Olivia) decided on our band type, which is to be a girl rock band (a rock band with a female lead, as opposed to a full female band).

Goin' Down - The Pretty Reckless

This is a nice angry song to burn a car to. Our idea is one of a rebellious teenage girl and this song is very punk, it's very fitting for our needs. However, one of our concerns is that the references to the Catholic Church could be offensive. In my opinion, if we're going to burn an old car, we might as well go the full mile and rebel against the church. The song is about murdering a lover after he cheated on you though, the church just happens to feature.

My Medicine - The Pretty Reckless

This song is a lot slower than the last one. It has a different effect. This one is a lot more sluggish. It gives me the feel of a hazy back room in a bar, with smoke whirling around in the air. I'm not sure if it's angry enough for what we want, but I can definitely see us using this to play with mental conditions.

Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Pat Benatar

Now, this song is a lot less angry and a lot less punky. It makes sense given that it's an 80s song. This song was for a slightly different idea than the one we had. There was a plan to shoot a music video for this at Alexandra Palace skate park, due to its graffiti. Something about tying me up to a chair and pushing me over. It was a lot more light hearted than my current thoughts on the rebellious girl.

That said, these songs are still subject to change. We still have to go through a lot more girl rock bands and we might find one that fits our needs better.